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A lawyer who cares

Hawaii's Best Immigration Attorney


The Law Office of Wycuie Bouknight is a full service immigration law firm that offers immigration services to people around the world.  If you are outside the United States and need help obtaining a visa, or if you are inside the United States and overstayed your visa we can help.


The firm specializes in all aspects of immigration law: Employment and family based petitions (including Same Sex Marriages), labor certifications and PERM, student visas and reinstatement of status, adjustment of status, asylum and removal proceedings, cancellation of removal, detained aliens, bond hearings, citizenship and naturalization.


The firm represents clients across the nation before Immigration and Federal Courts, Board of Immigration Appeals, Citizenships and Immigration Services, Administrative Appeals office, Customs and Border Protection, Department of Labor, and United States Consulates worldwide.


Immigration, Wycuie Bouknight, Hawaii, NY


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La información que obtienes en este sitio no es, ni pretende ser, un consejo legal. Debe consultar a un abogado para obtener asesoramiento con respecto a su situación individual. Lo invitamos a contactarnos y recibir sus llamadas, cartas y correo electrónico. Contactarnos no crea una relación abogado-cliente. No nos envíe ninguna información confidencial hasta el momento en que se establezca una relación abogado-cliente.




Phone/Telefone: 702-726-6756

Cell: 203-800-1684

Fax: 1-702-442-4869 
Email: â€‹

Tivoli Village

410S. Rampart Blvd.

Suite 390

Las Vegas, NV 89145



Phone/Telefone: 203-800-1684 

Email: â€‹Address/Endereço​

6 Landmark Square

 4th Floor 

Stamford, CT 06901






The information you obtain at this site is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. We invite you to contact us and welcome your calls, letters and electronic mail. Contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship. Please do not send any confidential information to us until such time as an attorney-client relationship has been established.

Aviso Legal

As informações obtidas nesta pagina não são, nem pretendem ser, aconselhamento jurídico. Você deve consultar um advogado em relação a sua situação individual. Nós convidamos você a entrar em contato conosco pelo telefone, cartas e correio eletrônico. O contato conosco não cria nenhuma relação advogado-cliente. Por favor, não envie informação confidencial para nós até que uma relação advogado-cliente tenha sido estabelecida

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